USN-352-1: Thunderbird vulnerabilities
25 September 2006
Thunderbird vulnerabilities
Various flaws have been reported that allow an attacker to execute
arbitrary code with user privileges by tricking the user into opening
a malicious email containing JavaScript. Please note that JavaScript
is disabled by default for emails, and it is not recommended to enable
it. (CVE-2006-4253, CVE-2006-4565, CVE-2006-4566, CVE-2006-4571)
The NSS library did not sufficiently check the padding of PKCS #1 v1.5
signatures if the exponent of the public key is 3 (which is widely
used for CAs). This could be exploited to forge valid signatures
without the need of the secret key. (CVE-2006-4340)
Jon Oberheide reported a way how a remote attacker could trick users
into downloading arbitrary extensions with circumventing the normal
SSL certificate check. The attacker would have to be in a position to
spoof the victim’s DNS, causing them to connect to sites of the
attacker’s choosing rather than the sites intended by the victim. If
they gained that control and the victim accepted the attacker’s cert
for the Mozilla update site, then the next update check could be
hijacked and redirected to the attacker’s site without
detection. (CVE-2006-4567)
Georgi Guninski discovered that even with JavaScript disabled, a
malicous email could still execute JavaScript when the message is
viewed, replied to, or forwarded by putting the script in a remote XBL
file loaded by the message. (CVE-2006-4570)
Update instructions
The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:
Ubuntu 6.06
After a standard system upgrade you need to restart Thunderbird to
effect the necessary changes.