USN-460-2: Samba regression
22 May 2007
Samba regression
USN-460-1 fixed several vulnerabilities in Samba. The upstream changes
for CVE-2007-2444 had an unexpected side-effect in Feisty. Shares
configured with the “force group” option no longer behaved correctly.
This update corrects the problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Original advisory details:
Paul Griffith and Andrew Hogue discovered that Samba did not fully drop
root privileges while translating SIDs. A remote authenticated user
could issue SMB operations during a small window of opportunity and gain
root privileges. (CVE-2007-2444)
Update instructions
The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following package versions:
Ubuntu 7.04
In general, a standard system upgrade is sufficient to effect the
necessary changes.